Visual Inspection. Virtual Metrology. Advanced Process Control.

AI Semiconductor Manufacturing

Inspection Software

Smarten up your semiconductor manufacturing with’s custom, high-accuracy AI models. Our advanced deep learning engine generates custom models using very little data, with no data science expenses required, within hours. This ensures near-zero false positives and significantly boosts yield and efficiency. As your AI partner, we extend your capabilities and drive your success.


Key features

Maximizing Efficiency and Reliability

Automated Judgment and Defect Review

Automated Judgment and Defect Review

Streamline the inspection process by automating defect detection and classification, reducing manual intervention and review time.
Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning

Our AI actively learns from new data, continuously improving its defect detection and classification capabilities. Unlike traditional inspection equipment limited to pre-programmed defects, our platform adapts to detect new and emerging defects, enhancing overall inspection flexibility and efficiency.
Near Zero False Positives feature

Near Zero False Positives

Achieve unparalleled accuracy with advanced AI that significantly reduces false positives based on precise judgment criteria or thresholds, ensuring only defects are flagged. This addresses the inefficiencies of traditional inspection systems that may struggle with high false positive rates, leading to unnecessary rework and reduced productivity.
Smart Augmentation

Smart Augmentation

Our deep learning model trains the system to detect defects in different lighting and other conditions, ensuring comprehensive defect detection. Traditional inspection systems often fail to detect defects caused by seal or glue errors, but our advanced imaging ensures accurate detection without additional technology investments.
Real-Time Inspection and Monitoring

Real-Time Inspection and Monitoring

Perform high-speed, real-time analysis, allowing for rapid inspection without compromising accuracy. Gain insights through an interactive monitoring dashboard, providing continuous oversight and proactive quality control.
Seamless Integration and Scalability

Seamless Integration and Scalability

Easily integrate with existing inspection systems and production workflows. Our platform scales to meet the needs of both small manufacturers and large-scale production facilities, ensuring consistent performance and efficiency.
Virtual Metrology

Virtual Metrology

5 Seconds to Predict Parameters vs. 2.5 Hours for Traditional Virtual Metrology Model measures surface roughness and other critical parameters with precision. Our AI-driven virtual metrology solutions provide accurate, real-time measurements, enhancing quality control and process optimization.
Yield Enhancement

Yield Enhancement

Advanced Process Control
Virtual Metrology Model measures surface roughness and other critical parameters with precision. Our AI-driven virtual metrology solutions provide accurate, real-time measurements, enhancing quality control and process optimization.
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Deployment, Security, and Privacy feature

Deployment, Security, and Privacy

Deploy our solution according to your needs: completely offline using our on-premise solution, in the cloud, or on a private cloud. Our platform ensures the highest standards of security and privacy, safeguarding your sensitive data while maintaining operational efficiency.

Experience the Averroes AI Advantage

Elevate Your Visual Inspection Capabilities

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