Averroes Deployment Solutions

At Averroes, we recognize that every business has unique requirements for integrating advanced AI solutions. To cater to these diverse needs, we provide flexible deployment options ensuring seamless integration into your operations.



Flexible AI Deployment Solutions for Your Business

On-Premise Deployment

On-Premise Deployment

Our on-premise deployment solution is ideal for businesses preferring to keep data and AI infrastructure within their own facilities.


Cost-efficient with pay-as-you-go pricing.
Quick deployment and scaling capabilities.
Access to a wide range of cloud services and integrations.

Use Case

Perfect for organizations with stringent data security policies, such as defense, healthcare, and financial sectors.

Private Cloud Deployment

Private Cloud Deployment

Our private cloud deployment offers scalability and flexibility while maintaining a high level of security.


Isolated environment ensures data privacy.
Scalability to handle varying workloads.
Centralized management of AI resources.

Use Case

Suitable for enterprises balancing privacy with cloud scalability, such as large corporations and government agencies.

Public Cloud Deployment

Public Cloud Deployment

For companies looking for cost-effective and scalable AI solutions, our public cloud deployment is an excellent option.


Cost-efficient with pay-as-you-go pricing.
Quick deployment and scaling capabilities.
Access to a wide range of cloud services and integrations.

Use Case

Ideal for startups, SMEs, and enterprises leveraging the latest cloud technologies without heavy upfront investments.


Versatile Integration Options

To enhance flexibility, Averroes AI can be deployed in various configurations to fit seamlessly into your existing infrastructure
On-Camera Deployment

On-Camera Deployment

Deploying AI directly on cameras with edge computing capabilities allows for real-time processing at the source.


Immediate data processing and analytics.
Reduced bandwidth usage by processing data locally.
Enhanced privacy as data does not need to be transmitted to external servers.

Use Case

Ideal for smart surveillance, retail analytics, and other applications requiring real-time insights at the edge.

Local Server Deployment

Local Server Deployment

Local server deployment is optimal for businesses preferring control over AI systems without relying on cloud services.


Full control over AI infrastructure.
Compliance with local data regulations.
Reduced dependency on internet connectivity.

Use Case

Best for industries with strict data governance policies requiring high reliability and performance without internet dependency.

Commitment to Data Privacy
At Averroes, data privacy and security are our top priorities across all deployment models. Our commitment includes
Data Encryption icon

Data Encryption

State-of-the-art encryption techniques for data at rest and in transit.

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Solutions designed to comply with global data protection regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA.

Access Controls icon

Access Controls

Robust access control mechanisms ensure only authorized personnel access sensitive data.

Regular Audits icon

Regular Audits

Conducting regular security audits and assessments to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

Frequently asked questions
No. Averroes functions seamlessly on existing visual inspection equipment, whether it's KLA Tencor, AOI, or Onto equipment. No additional hardware purchase is needed.

Experience the Averroes AI Advantage

Elevate Your Visual Inspection Capabilities

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